Enterprise Mobility Demand Surpasses IT Managers’ Expectations

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The majority of IT managers aren’t

properly preparing for the growth of Apple’s iPhone, handsets based on Google’s

Android and all manner of smartphone platforms in the enterprise, according to

a new Forrester Research report.

Forrester Research analyst Michele Pelino polled 5,519

technology users in Canada, France, Germany, the U.K. and the United States from

SMB (small and midsize businesses) and enterprise companies with 20 or more employees.

Pelino said most IT managers and even vendors are

underestimating demand because they are failing to recognize two emerging segments of employees: mobile

“wannabes” and mobile “mavericks,” which together comprise

22 percent of all employees.

Mobile wannabes, Pelino explained, are often at their

desks so IT does not count them as mobile workers even though they want to use

their smartphones for work. Mobile wannabe workers can include executive

assistants, human resource workers and customer service


Hewing to the classic example of the consumerization of

IT, mobile maverick employees buy their own smartphones and download their own

productivity and communications apps to do their jobs on the go.

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For more, read the eWeek article: IT Managers Underestimate Enterprise Mobility Demand: Forrester.

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