Security Pros Tied Up With Compliance Mandates

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Compliance mandates are eating up as much as half of the work week for many security pros, according to a survey from eEye Digital Security.

In its “2011 Vulnerability Management Trends Report“, eEye surveyed 1,963 IT security pros. More than 85 percent of respondents have compliance mandates such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) to contend with. But perhaps most interesting is that half of those surveyed reported compliance initiatives take up to 50 percent of their work week.

That includes configuring applications so they are in line with various internal and external regulations, and making sure the organization is in line with the various aspects of compliance rules.

“The big thing I was hearing from a lot of folks is number one they feel like they are kind of doing a lot of work just to kind of check a box, but they don’t really know if this is going to truly help them from a security perspective at the end of the day,” said Marc Maiffret, chief technology officer at eEye.

For more, read the eWeek article: Compliance Mandates Tie up Security Pros, eEye Reports.

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