Execs Confronted With Worker Performance Issues

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Execs Confronted With Worker Performance Issues

Peak PerformancePeak Performance

85% of senior executives say it’s “very important” to maximize talent within their organization.

Short on DeliveryShort on Delivery

Just 32% strongly agree that they can predict whether their teams will deliver the results they are committed to achieving.

Missing TemplatesMissing Templates

Only 33% strongly agree that they have established a method to help their teams replicate success.

Diminished Expectations, Part IDiminished Expectations, Part I

Only 19% of executives “strongly agree” that all of their employees can exceed corporate performance goals.

Diminished Expectations, Part IIDiminished Expectations, Part II

Just one-quarter of executives believe that more than one-half of their employees have the potential to be high performers.

Top Intended Investments to Increase InnovationTop Intended Investments to Increase Innovation

Technology: 67%, Optimization of employee performance: 44%, Leadership training: 43%, Operations: 43%, Research and development: 41%

Empowered EmployeesEmpowered Employees

83% say it’s very important to effectively empower employees without resorting to micro-managing.

Enterprisewide PerspectivesEnterprisewide Perspectives

77% say it’s very important to build effective collaboration and understanding throughout teams and departments.

Intellectual EnrichmentIntellectual Enrichment

72% say it’s very important to increase the capacity of leaders within their company, such as expanding of the way they think.

Solo ActSolo Act

Only 38% of executives “strongly agree” that they seek the advice, expertise or knowledge of other executives to solve high-level business problems.

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