CIOs Seek Storage Solutions for Data Initiatives

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CIOs Seek Storage Solutions for Data Initiatives

Mixed MessageMixed Message

86% of IT decision-makers believe all data has value if it can be stored, accessed and analyzed, but 48% aren’t storing all available data.

Missing PartsMissing Parts

22% say they don’t have the right mix of structured, unstructured and semi-structured data storage to analyze their data.

Wish ListWish List

78% say better analytic tools and storage solutions would improve business efficiencies.

Top Outcomes Sought for Data Center ProjectsTop Outcomes Sought for Data Center Projects

Improved performance: 41%, Reduced costs: 25%, Increased operational efficiencies: 25%

Difference MakersDifference Makers

89% say scalability is a top driver for innovation in data storage, and 86% say application acceleration is.

Problem, SolutionProblem, Solution

35% say security and governance is a top concern when it comes to data, but 93% say long-term storage can address data protection issues.

Solid HardwareSolid Hardware

63% are investing in solid-state drives to accelerate or extend the life of hardware investments.

Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy

30% expect to keep at least one-half of their data in the cloud a year from now, up from 7% today.

Storage To-Do ListStorage To-Do List

61% are planning or engaged in a total cost of ownership-related project, and 56% are planning or already implementing active archive solutions.

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