10 New Year’s Resolutions for CIOs

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10 New Year’s Resolutions for CIOs

Resolution: Focus More on Strategy and Less on the GrindResolution: Focus More on Strategy and Less on the Grind

Reason why: More than one-half of CIOs say they spend at least 70% of their time on day-to-day management instead of strategic planning and initiatives. (Source: Logicalis)

Resolution: Streamline Your Supervisory FunctionsResolution: Streamline Your Supervisory Functions

Reason why: CIOs should have no more than five to seven direct reports. (Source: Janco Associates)

Resolution: Get Key Influencers on Board for Your IT IdeasResolution: Get Key Influencers on Board for Your IT Ideas

Reason why: Gaining senior management buy-in is the top success driver for any digital initiative, as cited by 32% of CIOs and other top execs. (Source: McKinsey & Company)

Resolution: Make Better Use of Big DataResolution: Make Better Use of Big Data

Reason why: Only 35% of companies routinely use data to improve customer interactions. (Source: Teradata Applications)

Resolution: Do More With MobileResolution: Do More With Mobile

Reason why: While 55% of CIOs and other senior tech leaders say mobile is a way to increase productivity and efficiency, less than half say their organization is adding mobile functionality to specific enterprise apps. (Source: Mobile Helix)

Resolution: Think Big With the CloudResolution: Think Big With the Cloud

Reason why: More than one-half of CIOs and other IT professionals say “as a service” IT models save money, but 56% say their organizations have no enterprise cloud computing strategy. (Source: PMG)

Resolution: Set BYOD GuidelinesResolution: Set BYOD Guidelines

Reason why: Less than half of IT leaders say their organization has a clearly communicated and constantly updated BYOD policy, even though 73% say sensitive company data may be compromised when employees access work-related information from personal devices. (Source: TEKsystems)

Resolution: Prepare for the WorstResolution: Prepare for the Worst

Reason why: One-third of businesses don’t have a unified disaster-recovery plan, with formalized service-level targets that encompass physical and virtual servers. (Source: Neverfail)

Resolution: Commit to Training and DevelopmentResolution: Commit to Training and Development

Reason why: Only 53% of organizations currently have an employee engagement program that focuses on development—a key reason why employees seek to leave their companies. (Source: Aerotek)

Resolution: Give Meaningful PraiseResolution: Give Meaningful Praise

Reason why: 83% of employees say recognition for contributions is more fulfilling than rewards or gifts. (Source: Badgeville/Make Their Day)

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