Presto, Storage!

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Hurricanes don’t pick and choose between large and small companies to hit.

But, until now, only big companies have had the resources to come up with sophisticated backup schemes. No more. A wave of bigger, cheaper, faster and, above all, easier-to-use network storage products has hit the beach in recent months, leaving the little guys with far more choices for storing, retrieving and backing up data than ever before.

For more on storage, see Experts’ Tips for Reducing Storage Costs

The timing couldn’t have been better for David Lay, director of information technologies for the Salem Law Group, in Tampa, Fla. The series of disastrous hurricanes that have hit Florida in the past several years have raised the need for an airtight backup strategy to top priority for Salem Law. And in what might be luck, its needs coincided with the summer 2006 beta test cycle for Hewlett-Packard’s StorageWorks All-in-One appliance. Lay gave it a try.

“I can’t stress how easy it really was. I have set up SANs [storage area networks], and NAS [network-attached storage] systems with iSCSI that almost take an engineering degree,” said Lay, who set up a test implementation in 20 minutes.

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