Survey: Talent Management a Top Concern

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Finding, developing and keeping talent are among the top concerns for HR executives for 2007, according to a survey released by ORC Worldwide, a New York-based provider of human resource management consulting and data services.

Nearly 62 percent of respondents said that the most pressing strategic issues they will face in 2007 would fall into the realm of talent management.

For more on a related topic, see How to Get—and Keep—Top IT Talent

Talent management, encompassing acquisition, assessment, development and retention of a workforce, was also cited by 33 percent of the survey’s respondents as what they expect to consume the majority of their time in 2007.

Stated by 7.7 percent of HR professionals, activities related to a “cultural transformation” were also among the top three concerns of HR executives. Shifting the culture of workplace has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years, according to the survey, encompassing the implementation of tools from performance management and “pay for performance.”

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