The IT Rich Get Richer
The difference between the two types of companies often comes down to a strategic focus on customers. High Performers: Providing the right information to the right person at the right time., Finding better ways to interact with customers., Delivering new services and products to customers. Other Organizations: Cutting business operational costs., Increasing workforce productivity., Automating core business processes.
High performers are much more likely to consider future economic, geopolitical, social and business trends. High performers: 50%, Other organizations: 10%
By a significant margin, high performers tie IT investments to strategic business initiatives. High Performers: 55%, Other organizations: 37%
A large percentage of high performers will be managing their own private clouds by 2015.
No matter how you look at it this transition may take a while.
Transitioning application models to the cloud appears to be a lot more challenging.
Even when highly committed this is not as easy as it should be. High performers: 33%, Other organizations: 4%
Many still view external services as the competition. High performers: 27%, Other organizations: 2%
This is a high priority going forward for most high-performer IT organizations. High performers: 15%, Other organizations: 1%
Most recognize the transformative impact of mobile computing. High performers: 69%, Other organizations: 42%
Mobile app stores provide a modicum of centralized mobile control. High performers: 54%, Other organizations: 22%
High performers get more value of IT investments.
High performers are seeing major benefits to the business.
High performers have greater mastery of emerging technologies.