Databases & Agility Key to Digital Transformation
Databases are essential to the success of digital transformations, and companies agree that agility is also vital to those initiatives.
Asked to rank business drivers, 70% of software firms and 68% of companies in other industries identify business agility as one of the three most important initiatives.
Bringing products and/or updates to market faster is another essential business driver for software companies (62%) compared with non-software companies (40%).
81% of business product owners and 46% of respondents in all other roles consider lowering the cost of ownership one of the most important business drivers.
43% of enterprises identified security and compliance as a top-three business driver, compared with only 19% of software companies.
25% of all respondents ranked security and compliance as the top or second business driver for strategic technology initiatives, but 44% placed it at the very bottom.
For all organizations, business agility was not correlated with competitive differentiation or new revenue.
60% of respondents use only relational databases, despite the buzz around NoSQL. Those users still value the tenets of an SQL database, and 62% believe SQL support to be either critical or very important.
Regardless of which database they use for strategic technology initiatives, 75% of respondents use, or plan to use, containers in the next 12 months.
Agility: 70%
Time to market: 62%,
Total cost of ownership: 48%,
Agility: 68%,
Time to market: 47%,
Total cost of ownership: 43%
Competitive differentiation: 78%,
Drive new revenue: 61%,
Security and compliance: 54%
Competitive differentiation: 65%,
Drive new revenue: 65%,
Security and compliance: 38%
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