How CIOs Wield Influence in the C-Suite

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How CIOs Wield Influence in the C-Suite

How CIOs Wield Influence in the C-SuiteHow CIOs Wield Influence in the C-Suite

After shoring up their companies cloud, mobile, social and analytics capabilities, IT leaders have greater license to invest in other technologies.

Rising InfluenceRising Influence

53% of survey respondents said IT leadership drives the adoption of new tech, up from 49% who said IT leadership did this in 2015.

Objective EnablerObjective Enabler

52% said their company approaches tech investments for strategic value, up from 36% who said this a year ago.

Output DriversOutput Drivers

39% said cloud infrastructure initiatives are most likely to generate productivity gains, while 38% cited analytics and 37% indicated that big data efforts would do so.

Broad Adoption, Part IBroad Adoption, Part I

57% are using the cloud to benefit financial/accounting needs, and 34% are using it for enterprise resource planning while 33% are turning to the cloud for customer relationship management functions.

Broad Adoption, Part IIBroad Adoption, Part II

33% said data analytics efforts can increase operational effectiveness, while 27% said it can bring greater competitive edge in understanding customer trends. Nearly one-fifth said it can enhance the ability to predictively manage aspects of business.

Forward SpinForward Spin

25% describe their adoption of predictive analytics as “mature,” and another 19% said they’re “investigating” the use of these solutions.

Biggest Barriers for Predictive Analytics AdoptionBiggest Barriers for Predictive Analytics Adoption

Data quality issues: 24%, Availability of skilled internal resources: 23%, Understanding what to measure – and how: 22%

Defensive EffortDefensive Effort

58% of survey respondents said their companies are encrypting sensitive information, up from 44% who said this last year.

Top Sources of Data Privacy/Security RiskTop Sources of Data Privacy/Security Risk

Phishing scams: 49%, Employee-introduced risk: 47%, Cloud migration: 42%, Integration with external systems: 40%, Internal access controls: 35%

New RealityNew Reality

88% of survey respondents said their company is using some form of virtual tech or augmented reality in their operations.

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