3 Key Computer Security Tools You Should Be Using

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Security managers need cutting-edge technologies to get a 30,000-foot view of their operation—and to wage the ongoing battle against network attacks. Seven executives share their war stories. Plus, key product vendors are listed.

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3 Key Security Tools: Introduction

Security managers need cutting-edge technologies to get a 30,000-foot view of their operations—and to wage the ongoing battle against network attacks. They include:

  • Tool 1. Security Information Management
    This software can help you paint a picture of your enterprise’s overall security health and exposure. Plus, five key vendors and their customers.

  • Tool 2. End-Point Security

    Want to enforce corporate policies on desktop computers about what behavior is and isn’t allowed? Start here. Plus, six key vendors and their customers.

  • Tool 3. Intrusion Prevention Systems
    These systems can help you proactively block network traffic without requiring manual intervention. Plus, six key vendors and their customers.

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