“Trusted malware” is continuing to grow at an alarming rate, according to a new report that provides insight, background and analysis on the trends and developments in the global threat landscape by Internet and mobile security provider AVG Technologies.
In the second quarter, AVG s Threat Labs saw an increase in the number of stolen digital certificates used to sign malware, before being distributed by hackers. An increase of more than 300 percent was identified at the start of 2011, compared with the whole of 2010. The “Community Powered Threat Report — Q2 2011” noted that the practice of trusting signed files is rapidly losing its strength.
As Macs continue to rise in popularity, they are increasingly becoming victims of cyber-crime, the report revealed. With the platform reaching crucial market share levels, it is starting to appear on the radar of cyber-criminals. “While it may be a new target platform, cyber-criminals are using tried and tested social engineering techniques to attack Mac OS users,” the report said.
Increasingly, cyber-crooks are using mobile malware to monetize using premium SMS and fake apps, according to AVG, as monetizing techniques via mobile are much easier to operate than those in use on the PC. By spamming users to download apps or simply posting them on download stores or markets, the software distribution has become easy and scalable. The AVG Threat Labs investigated the operation of 702 Command and Control servers in the first half of 2011. The research results match the geo location of the servers as well as the popularity of the various malware versions in use by each C&C. The United States holds the lead in Command and Control Servers with 30 percent of the market share, followed by Ukraine with 22 percent.
The U.S. still remains the dominant source of spam, with English as the main language used in spam messages, followed by the U.K., with Brazil coming in third. However, Brazil is rapidly closing that gap and is on course to overtake the U.K., likely in the next quarter.
To read the original eWeek article, click here: Malware, Spam Pose Greater Security Threat in 2011