What Today’s Mobile Users Want

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What Today’s Mobile Users Want

Prodigies: Always OnProdigies: Always On

57% of prodigies say they need to be connected to the Internet from the moment they wake up to when they go to bed.

Prodigies: On the MoveProdigies: On the Move

51% carry multiple devices, and 72% say they access the Internet today more through these devices than via a traditional computer.

Tribals: Gen Tribals: Gen “i”

46% of Tribals pick Apple’s iOS as their primary smartphone operating system, more so than any other smartphone user type.

Tribals: Socially ConnectedTribals: Socially Connected

87% often access social media from multiple devices.

Personals: Out of ReachPersonals: Out of Reach

20% of Personals say they frequently get requests from others to connect via social media.

Personals: Commercial InterestPersonals: Commercial Interest

They’re 2.3 times more likely than the average smartphone owner to say they’d be interested in receiving ads on their phone.

Pragmatists: Home WorkPragmatists: Home Work

86% of Pragmatists use their smartphone as the primary device to access the Internet at home, compared to 68% of all other smartphone users.

Pragmatists: Task FocusedPragmatists: Task Focused

73% say they depend upon their smartphone to help them get work done where and when they want to.

Browsers: Signature StatementBrowsers: Signature Statement

Just 9% of Browsers say their phone is an expression of whom they are.

Browsers: Daily Browsers: Daily “To-Do”

More than one-third say they’re clicking on social media at least once a day.

Occasionals: People WatchersOccasionals: People Watchers

49% of Occasionals say they prefer reading other people’s social-media posts than writing their own.

Occasionals: Singular FocusOccasionals: Singular Focus

Just 17% access social media from multiple devices.

Talkers: Google ThisTalkers: Google This

65% of Talkers use Android as their primary smartphone operating system, the highest among all smartphone user types.

Talkers: WallflowersTalkers: Wallflowers

67% never visit social-media sites, far more than any other smartphone user type.

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